PhD at the Beginning


My PhD thesis is oriented towards the conservation of abiotic ecosystems, the reduction of climate change impacts and the promotion of sustainable development.

The focus will be on the Monte Rosa massif (in the illustration), because it represents a perfect scenario both for the richness of the natural processes and for the evidence of human adaptation in mountain territories.

Monte Rosa Zermat
Monte Rosa Zermat

The assessment of dynamic geodiversity, the study of ecosystem services, but also (and above all) the historical research of the changing relationship between man and nature in this area will be used in a transdisciplinary approach. The perspective is to enhance the Alpine scientific and cultural heritage, provide knowledge on the stability and evolutionary scenarios of mountain environments and create the basis for best practices on the sustainable development of mountain territories.
The aim will be the proposal and mapping of a "sustainability trail", which will aim to unite several geosites selected on the basis of their scientific value (i.e. their ability to preserve the historical-environmental heritage of the area). This is intended to enhance the natural heritage and rehabilitate the full potential of the studied landscapes, in particular by rediscovering and enhancing the historical local Walser populations.

People Involved:
Michele Guerini - PhDs, University of Turin
Marco Giardino - Professor, University of Turin
Fabien Hoblea - Professor, Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Ludovic Ravanel - Professor, Université Savoie Mont Blanc

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